Hi Ladies,
The summer is officially here, and it is extremely important that we treat our skin with special attention.
Each season requires unique treatments that will help to get our skin looking and feeling its best.
Here are some suggestions:
*Clean your skin everyday. Removing dirt helps to get rid of excessive oil which will reduce blemishes
*Use a separate cleanser for your face. I like to use neutrogena deep clean/ no oil. I love the way it gently cleanses my face while removing all unwanted oils and bacteria's. My face is left feeling refreshed and smooth. I always wet my face completely and then put about a quarter size amount of cleanser. Then I rub it on my face for 20-30 sec. I used to think rubbing it was not necessary, but let me assure you, It has made a world of difference to my face!
*Exfoliating is also very important. As it helps to remove dry and dead skin cells and encourage clearer, smoother and healthier looking skin.
*Moisture is essential to the health of your skin. Even if your skin is oily,
be sure to always add moisture. For your face be sure to use an oil free moisturizer. A good moisturizer will help to balance oil production for the rest of the day. If my face gets
a little oily during the day I simply use paper towel and blot the areas where there is too much oil. I never rub, this can spread unwanted oils and bacteria to other parts of your face and possibly cause more breakouts.
*Use sunscreen, this not only protects your skin from harmful sun rays but it also prevents your dark marks from becoming even darker or tanning.
I am speaking from experience. Try these techniques and you will see a dramatic change in your skin. Realistically a good time frame is about 3-6 months. There is no quick fix for anything but a little patience and loving yourself anyway....will get you to the place you want to be.
Some suggested Products and remedies:
*Clinique :Even Better Dark Spot Corrector (Always use sunscreen with this product)
*Clinique : Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel in a tube
*Neutrogena: Deep Clean
*Coffee Scrub: View below posts for recipe. This is great for exfoliating your body as well as your face.
What are some of your skin cleansing remedies? How have they helped you?
Images Provided by:
www.neutrogena.com, /www.clinique.com